Corporate Interiors No.9

Corporate Interiors No. 9 captures the sense of business determination, inspiration and pragmatism as corporate America deals with a challenging global economy. See how the nation’s progressive businesses and institutions give their employees the means to excel in difficult times, with headquarters, regional centers, R&D facilities, law offices and other facilities designed to support optimum working conditions focusing on workflow rather than organizational rank. Business leaders and their architects and interior designers will find scores of recently completed projects, showcased in hundreds of color images, an effective means of assessing their options for planning, designing and building state-of-the-art facilities. This book is meant for easy reference and repeated use, with each project indexed by company name and location. In no other publication will the reader encounter such innovative new facilities serving organizations and staffs with workspaces their predecessors might scarcely recognize. 

270 pages / 700 color photos / 9” x 12 ” / hardbound / ISBN: 978-1-58471-159-9 / 

Price $70.00