Corporate Interiors No.11 - Digital Edition
Corporate Interiors No.11 reports on the latest workplaces that America’s businesses and institutions are developing to thrive amidst global economic uncertainty. Relentless competition from newly emerging and established rivals overseas—plus technology’s growing ability to disrupt traditional links between work, space and time—have altered corporate America’s office landscape forever. Jobs that can be automated or sent offshore have vanished, and tasks that require intense, individual concentration can now be done anywhere, causing individual offices, former trophies of personal achievement, to shrink. Simultaneously, new respect for innovation and the group activities that nurture it, including problem solving, brainstorming, and research and development, has shifted the focus of office design to meeting areas of every size and purpose.
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224 pages / 500 color photos / 9" x 12" / hardbound / ISBN: 978-0-9825989-8-6 /
Price: $30.00